بسم الله الرØمن الرØيم
As-Salaamu'Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullaahi Wa-Barakaatuh
Alhamdulillaah, Islamic Online University has been informed of an offer of free audio CDs by Br Gary Miller to anybody, anywhere in the world!
The speaker Br Gary Miller is a Canadian mathematician and a professor in Toronto university having a PhD in Mathematical logic.
The audio CD contains a discussion revolving around the viewpoints of Islam and Christianity on various topics such as "the divinity of Jesus", "Is the Bible God`s word?", etc.
To get hold of your FREE CD, just send a request to freenessmaximus@yahoo.com with your full name and address (do not forget to include your postal/ZIP CODE and Country) and the distributors will ship you a free copy, Insha Allaah
This is absolutely free. You do not have to pay anything for the order.
Jazak Allaahu Khair
بسم الله الرØمن الرØيم
As-Salaamu’Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullaahi Wa-Barakaatuh
Alhamdulillaah, Islamic Online University has been informed of an offer of free audio CDs by Br Gary Miller to anybody, anywhere in the world!
The speaker Br Gary Miller is a Canadian mathematician and a professor in Toronto university having a PhD in Mathematical logic.
The audio CD contains a discussion revolving around the viewpoints of Islam and Christianity on various topics such as "the divinity of Jesus", "Is the Bible God`s word?", etc.
To get hold of your FREE CD, just send a request to freenessmaximus@yahoo.com with your full name and address (do not forget to include your postal/ZIP CODE and Country) and the distributors will ship you a free copy, Insha Allaah
This is absolutely free. You do not have to pay anything for the order.
Jazak Allaahu Khair