Free Webinar: Remaining Steadfast in today’s times by Sr Alima Ashfaq

This life is nothing but a test and those who are able to pass it with flying colors have indeed earned the pleasure of their Lord. We’ve all been through phases of life where the trials and tribulations thrown at us have been too much to handle.   

Sometimes, we search for answers in different places, forgetting that our beautiful religion has great examples from the past, whom we can look up to for answers. Going through stages of weak imaan (faith) is not something to be ashamed of. Rather, rising back up after every single obstacle to please Allah and hold firmly to the right path is what we should be aiming for.
This exclusive webinar will help you with just that. Bringing to you Remaining steadfast in current times with Sr. Alima. This webinar will help you:
  • Learn about the men and women within Islamic history who’ve faced troubling times
  • How they turned towards the Quran for help
  • How their faith in Allah strengthened them and helped them remain steadfast
  • How they learnt the art of being courageous and merciful at the same time
  • And much, much more! 

Register for this free webinar where you will learn to be beacons of light in this dunya, in turn helping you raise higher in your status in akhira inshaAllah!

Click here to register now!

This life is nothing but a test and those who are able to pass it with flying colors have indeed earned the pleasure of their Lord. We’ve all been through phases of life where the trials and tribulations thrown at us have been too much to handle.   

Sometimes, we search for answers in different places, forgetting that our beautiful religion has great examples from the past, whom we can look up to for answers. Going through stages of weak imaan (faith) is not something to be ashamed of. Rather, rising back up after every single obstacle to please Allah and hold firmly to the right path is what we should be aiming for.
This exclusive webinar will help you with just that. Bringing to you Remaining steadfast in current times with Sr. Alima. This webinar will help you:
  • Learn about the men and women within Islamic history who’ve faced troubling times
  • How they turned towards the Quran for help
  • How their faith in Allah strengthened them and helped them remain steadfast
  • How they learnt the art of being courageous and merciful at the same time
  • And much, much more! 

Register for this free webinar where you will learn to be beacons of light in this dunya, in turn helping you raise higher in your status in akhira inshaAllah!

Click here to register now!