Opportunity to Upgrade Academic Research and Writing Skills with Experts

The International Open University (IOU) is pleased to announce the launch of a training program on 8th July 2021, in shā Allāh,  to develop and improve research skills in students and academics. 

The program aims to escalate their capacity to write quality academic report assignments and theses, since this is an indispensable skill in higher education, especially in online education.







Professor Francesca Bocca Umm Yahya, PhD

How to write Academic Reports, Assignments, and Theses


9:00-10:00 AM UTC Time


Shariffa Carlo

Religious Motivation of Academic Research

10:00-11:30 AM UTC Time










ATTENTION: All IOU Students and Academics

Type of Program: Academic Training

Immensity: Indispensable for all

Venue: Zoom Meeting                                 https://zoom.us/j/93817586848?pwd=Y29QcWEyNzBZUDFmQUd4b25ub0J3UT09

Meeting ID: 938 1758 6848
Passcode: 900393

Organizer: Directorate of Research & Publications of IOU

All students and academics are cordially invited to attend the training sessions and acquire more knowledge on conducting academic research and writing, which will help you achieve greater academic success. 

The entire program will be recorded and uploaded on the IOU webpage. All those unable to participate in the sessions will be given access to the recordings for their own development.


The International Open University (IOU) is pleased to announce the launch of a training program on 8th July 2021, in shā Allāh,  to develop and improve research skills in students and academics. 

The program aims to escalate their capacity to write quality academic report assignments and theses, since this is an indispensable skill in higher education, especially in online education.







Professor Francesca Bocca Umm Yahya, PhD

How to write Academic Reports, Assignments, and Theses


9:00-10:00 AM UTC Time


Shariffa Carlo

Religious Motivation of Academic Research

10:00-11:30 AM UTC Time










ATTENTION: All IOU Students and Academics

Type of Program: Academic Training

Immensity: Indispensable for all

Venue: Zoom Meeting                                 https://zoom.us/j/93817586848?pwd=Y29QcWEyNzBZUDFmQUd4b25ub0J3UT09

Meeting ID: 938 1758 6848
Passcode: 900393

Organizer: Directorate of Research & Publications of IOU

All students and academics are cordially invited to attend the training sessions and acquire more knowledge on conducting academic research and writing, which will help you achieve greater academic success. 

The entire program will be recorded and uploaded on the IOU webpage. All those unable to participate in the sessions will be given access to the recordings for their own development.