Free Webinar With Shaykh Omar Suleiman!

Islamic Online University with Sh. Omar Suleiman presents “Keeping Sincere on the path of Knowledge”, an exclusive webinar helping you learn:

  • Why you need to remain sincere on this noble path
  • The rewards of sincere intentions
  • How you can safeguard your intentions and not let it get corrupted
  • What would happen with insincere intentions
And much, much more!
Here’s your chance to get rid of any ills that may be present in your heart. Gain from the Islamic knowledge you’ve acquired and reap great rewards, inshaAllah! 
Date and Time: 6th February, 2016 at 8:00 PM Qatar Time
For more details, click here.
To Register for the Webinar, click here.


Islamic Online University with Sh. Omar Suleiman presents “Keeping Sincere on the path of Knowledge”, an exclusive webinar helping you learn:

  • Why you need to remain sincere on this noble path
  • The rewards of sincere intentions
  • How you can safeguard your intentions and not let it get corrupted
  • What would happen with insincere intentions
And much, much more!
Here’s your chance to get rid of any ills that may be present in your heart. Gain from the Islamic knowledge you’ve acquired and reap great rewards, inshaAllah! 
Date and Time: 6th February, 2016 at 8:00 PM Qatar Time
For more details, click here.
To Register for the Webinar, click here.