IOU Chancellor Dr. Bilal Philips inaugurates first online conference IOUCRIS, 2021

The International Open University launched IOUCRIS 21, its first Conference on Research and Integrated Sciences on 27 November, 2021.

The program got off to a promising start with heartening words of support and encouragement from the IOU Chancellor, Dr. Bilal Philips. He expressed his admiration for the initiative and urged various IOU departments to participate in making the event a regular feature. 

IOU Chancellor Dr. Bilal Philips noted that many IOU academics/admin staff and students have submitted their research papers for this ground-breaking conference, with some research papers developed in collaboration with authors from other universities or with relevant industry representatives. The program would have far-reaching benefits for the academic goals of IOU staff and students, in addition to liaising with academics and institutions.

The conference has been organized under the aegis of the IOU Department of Business Administration in collaboration with the newly-launched IOU Directorate of Research and Publications.


The International Open University launched IOUCRIS 21, its first Conference on Research and Integrated Sciences on 27 November, 2021.

The program got off to a promising start with heartening words of support and encouragement from the IOU Chancellor, Dr. Bilal Philips. He expressed his admiration for the initiative and urged various IOU departments to participate in making the event a regular feature. 

IOU Chancellor Dr. Bilal Philips noted that many IOU academics/admin staff and students have submitted their research papers for this ground-breaking conference, with some research papers developed in collaboration with authors from other universities or with relevant industry representatives. The program would have far-reaching benefits for the academic goals of IOU staff and students, in addition to liaising with academics and institutions.

The conference has been organized under the aegis of the IOU Department of Business Administration in collaboration with the newly-launched IOU Directorate of Research and Publications.