IOU joins Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)

The Islamic Online University has very recently become an associate member of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU). The Association, AAOU, is a non-profit organization of higher learning institutions, established to widen the educational opportunities available to all people in Asia and to improve the quality of the institutions in terms of their educational management, teaching and research.

The AAOU promotes education by distance teaching systems, as well as professional and ethical standards; develops potentialities of open and distance education; cooperates with official bodies and others directly or indirectly interested in education at a distance; and facilitates cooperation with other similar regional and international bodies.

The objectives of the AAOU are:
1)   to widen the educational opportunities available to all the people of the region and to improve the cost of member institutions by exchanging management information, teaching materials and research;
2) to help promote education by distance teaching systems, and develop its potentialities;
3) to help promote professional and ethical standards amongst distance educators;
4) to cooperate with official bodies and others directly or indirectly interested in distance
5) to facilitate cooperation with other similar regional and international bodies in all the above objectives; and
6) to do all other things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.


The membership of IOU at the AAOU may be verified here

The Islamic Online University has very recently become an associate member of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU). The Association, AAOU, is a non-profit organization of higher learning institutions, established to widen the educational opportunities available to all people in Asia and to improve the quality of the institutions in terms of their educational management, teaching and research.

The AAOU promotes education by distance teaching systems, as well as professional and ethical standards; develops potentialities of open and distance education; cooperates with official bodies and others directly or indirectly interested in education at a distance; and facilitates cooperation with other similar regional and international bodies.

The objectives of the AAOU are:
1)   to widen the educational opportunities available to all the people of the region and to improve the cost of member institutions by exchanging management information, teaching materials and research;
2) to help promote education by distance teaching systems, and develop its potentialities;
3) to help promote professional and ethical standards amongst distance educators;
4) to cooperate with official bodies and others directly or indirectly interested in distance
5) to facilitate cooperation with other similar regional and international bodies in all the above objectives; and
6) to do all other things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.


The membership of IOU at the AAOU may be verified here