On March 18, 2011 Shaad Habeeb, an IOU student, and a team of around 13 brothers and sisters enthusiastically volunteered their time to promote The Islamic Online University at the “Jamia Millia Islamia” and “Jamia Hamdard” universities of New Delhi, India. In this regard, they posted posters and distributed pamphlets in different departments and on campus mosques, hospitals, canteens and hostels. They also personally interacted with students to acquaint them with the IOU and its various activities.
IOU admin appreciates the tremendous efforts of all the volunteers and looks forward to more events like this one in the future.
On March 18, 2011 Shaad Habeeb, an IOU student, and a team of around 13 brothers and sisters enthusiastically volunteered their time to promote The Islamic Online University at the “Jamia Millia Islamia” and “Jamia Hamdard” universities of New Delhi, India. In this regard, they posted posters and distributed pamphlets in different departments and on campus mosques, hospitals, canteens and hostels. They also personally interacted with students to acquaint them with the IOU and its various activities.
IOU admin appreciates the tremendous efforts of all the volunteers and looks forward to more events like this one in the future.