IOU promotional activities at recent event and Women's Study Circle at the East London Centre, UK , introducing visitors to IOU and advising them on courses that are available on the Diploma's and BIAS, overall the promotion received a positive and encouraging feedback. We would like to thank Brother Amin Soyer for his sincere contributions in managing the IOU information desk and providing guidance to visitors and also the rest of volunteers in all their efforts Promotional material was provided by AB Printing, we are grateful to all support received.
Photos: Women's Hall 2) Volunteer 3) Promotional Material - Book Marks & Brochures 4) IOU Promotion Main Foyer 7) Br. Amin with Visitors
1) IOU Literature
5) Volunteers Putting Display Up
6) Br. Amin Soyer - IOU Volunteer
8-12) Display in Foyer & Visitors
IOU promotional activities at recent event and Women’s Study Circle at the East London Centre, UK , introducing visitors to IOU and advising them on courses that are available on the Diploma’s and BIAS, overall the promotion received a positive and encouraging feedback. We would like to thank Brother Amin Soyer for his sincere contributions in managing the IOU information desk and providing guidance to visitors and also the rest of volunteers in all their efforts Promotional material was provided by AB Printing, we are grateful to all support received.
Photos: Women’s Hall 2) Volunteer 3) Promotional Material – Book Marks & Brochures 4) IOU Promotion Main Foyer 7) Br. Amin with Visitors
1) IOU Literature
5) Volunteers Putting Display Up
6) Br. Amin Soyer – IOU Volunteer
8-12) Display in Foyer & Visitors