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IOU VC visits Jamia Mosque on Kenya tour

Pic: (Right to left). Prof. Abdulateef Essajee (Jamia mosque chairman), Br. Hamisi, Br. Jafar of JTI, Br. Faisal Kassim of JTI, Dr. Cherno Omar Barry (IOU VC).

Professor Abdulatif Eesajee, Jamia Mosque deputy chairman and member of the IOU board of trustees, welcomed the International Open University Vice-Chancellor Dr. Cherno Omar Barry to Jamia mosque.  

The IOU VC  Dr. Cherno Omar Barry was led on a tour of the Jamia Mosque grounds by Abdulateef Essajee (Jamia Majlis deputy chairman). He was shown around the offices and da'wah center section, the Horizon TV station, the Sayed Shah Memorial Library, and the Friday bulletin offices as well.

Later Dr. Cherno Omar Barry held a consultative meeting with the Jamia Training Institute Board to foster the relationship of mutual cooperation between the two institutions.

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