MoodleMoot February 2016

On 6 February 2016, New Delhi hosted the first ever MoodleMoot, a conference for Moodle users in India. A case study on the Islamic Online University’s usage of Moodle was presented at the conference by Mr. Farhan Karmali, Lecturer, Department of Information Technology, Islamic Online University. The presentation, Making Moodle Work for You, was greatly appreciated by everyone at the conference and especially by Mr. Martin Dougiamas, Founder and CEO, Moodle.

Mr. Farhan Karmali delivering his presentation at the MoodleMoot

Moodle is an open source learning management system that is used by the Islamic Online University (IOU) to host its degree, diploma and certificate courses and facilitate student learning. Since IOU is a completely online university it depends heavily on Moodle to serve as the campus learning area. Due to the open source nature of Moodle, it can be customized to meet specific requirements. In the process to optimize functioning of the University, the IT department has achieved a lot of customization and automation within Moodle which is not originally present in the platform.

The efforts of the IT department of the University on extending Moodle was termed as innovative and very useful. The University exerts a lot of effort to ensure that the students have a seamless experience during their course of study. The case study presented at the conference contained details about the list of customizations done at IOU on Moodle to meet the growing demands of the University’s students and staff alike

Mr. Martin Dougiamas, Founder and CEO, Moodle appreciating IOU's presentation

Due to the enormous customization and automation work done on the Moodle, the University is able to manage over 100 courses catering over 100,000 students, spread across various departments and streams of study, very efficiently.

On 6 February 2016, New Delhi hosted the first ever MoodleMoot, a conference for Moodle users in India. A case study on the Islamic Online University’s usage of Moodle was presented at the conference by Mr. Farhan Karmali, Lecturer, Department of Information Technology, Islamic Online University. The presentation, Making Moodle Work for You, was greatly appreciated by everyone at the conference and especially by Mr. Martin Dougiamas, Founder and CEO, Moodle.

Mr. Farhan Karmali delivering his presentation at the MoodleMoot

Moodle is an open source learning management system that is used by the Islamic Online University (IOU) to host its degree, diploma and certificate courses and facilitate student learning. Since IOU is a completely online university it depends heavily on Moodle to serve as the campus learning area. Due to the open source nature of Moodle, it can be customized to meet specific requirements. In the process to optimize functioning of the University, the IT department has achieved a lot of customization and automation within Moodle which is not originally present in the platform.

The efforts of the IT department of the University on extending Moodle was termed as innovative and very useful. The University exerts a lot of effort to ensure that the students have a seamless experience during their course of study. The case study presented at the conference contained details about the list of customizations done at IOU on Moodle to meet the growing demands of the University’s students and staff alike

Mr. Martin Dougiamas, Founder and CEO, Moodle appreciating IOU’s presentation

Due to the enormous customization and automation work done on the Moodle, the University is able to manage over 100 courses catering over 100,000 students, spread across various departments and streams of study, very efficiently.