New Batch: YL360 – 360 Degree Young Leaders Development Program

It has always been IOU’s goal to serve the ummah in a way that benefits them in the dunya and the aakhirah. Keeping in line with this noble dream, we are presenting yet another phenomenal session of Youth Leadership: YL 360!

What will you learn?

  • Purification of the soul

  • Time management

  • Historical misconceptions

  • Islamic ethics – code of life

  • Family leadership

  • Life lessons from Abu Bakr (RA)

  • Vision and Goal setting

  • And much, much more!

We had a successful first year in Jan 2014, with over 2000 participants registered with ages ranging from 12 to 45, with amazing zeal and enthusiasm. The session was a winner, alhamdulillah!

And now it is your turn to be a part of this second session. The only investment you need to make in this course is ‘time’ as this course is absolutely FREE!

Join us on 23rd January, 2016, 8:00 AM Qatar Time, as we venture into leadership skills that will shape your present and future, in shaa Allah while seeking the pleasure and love of Allah.

Enroll to the course now!

It has always been IOU’s goal to serve the ummah in a way that benefits them in the dunya and the aakhirah. Keeping in line with this noble dream, we are presenting yet another phenomenal session of Youth Leadership: YL 360!

What will you learn?

  • Purification of the soul

  • Time management

  • Historical misconceptions

  • Islamic ethics – code of life

  • Family leadership

  • Life lessons from Abu Bakr (RA)

  • Vision and Goal setting

  • And much, much more!

We had a successful first year in Jan 2014, with over 2000 participants registered with ages ranging from 12 to 45, with amazing zeal and enthusiasm. The session was a winner, alhamdulillah!

And now it is your turn to be a part of this second session. The only investment you need to make in this course is ‘time’ as this course is absolutely FREE!

Join us on 23rd January, 2016, 8:00 AM Qatar Time, as we venture into leadership skills that will shape your present and future, in shaa Allah while seeking the pleasure and love of Allah.

Enroll to the course now!