Student Engagement Activities

> International Open University

Student Engagement Activities

Caption: Photography Competition Spring 2023

The International Open University organized a Photography Competition for its students on the 28th of May 2023.
More than 300 students participated and shared their beautifully taken snapshots of nature and Allah’s creations.
Evaluation of the photographs was executed by esteemed scholars. Due to the outstanding quality of all the students who participated, evaluation of the submitted photographs was extremely difficult and the results were very close; however, after careful and detailed analysis the following students have been declared winners of the competition:

1st Position

Mohammed Adil Khalifa

1st Position

Hoda Ahmed

2nd Position

Yusuf Salma Oyinkansola

2nd Position

Maryam Hassan

3rd Position

Balkish Rahamathullah

Note: All students will receive Certificate of Participation
We ask Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, to accept this endeavor from us and them, make this a source of spreading goodness and strengthen them in faith. Ameen

Past Activities Section

Quran Recitation Competition Fall 2022

International Open University organized a Quran Recitation Competition for its students on the 24th of November 2022.

There was an outstanding response to this competition with more than 300 students participating by sharing many beautiful recitations selected from the surahs: Al-Dukhan, Al-Qamar, Al-Maidah and a page of their choice.


Evaluation of the recitations was executed by esteemed male and female scholars respectively. Due to the outstanding quality of all the students who participated, evaluation of the submitted recitations was extremely difficult and the results were very close; however, after careful and detailed analysis the following students have been declared winners of the competition.

We ask Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, to accept this endeavor from us and them, make this a source of spreading the message of Islam and bless all those who dedicate their lives to learning the Quran and strengthen them in faith, adherence and application of its message. Ameen

Winners (Kids)



[ Recitation has been kept private on the request of the student ]


Saniya Farheen


Muftasir Nasir

Winners (Brothers)


Muhammad Nur Hadi


Ibrahim Abdullah


Adam ibn Idriss


Wili Wilana


Mohammed Aftab

Winners (Sisters)


Rahma Abdul-Ahad


Marwa Abdelkader


Hafsa Adnan



[ Recitation has been kept private on the request of the student ]


Zubaidah Nasreen

Poster Competition Fall 2021

The International Open University Student Affairs Office conducted a Poster Competition on the 22nd of November, approximately 90 students participated and submitted very impressive work which was made by sheer dedication, demonstrating their skills and cognitive abilities.
The topics were:

    • Mental health and Islam
    • Islamic historical event
    • Social Media Addiction.

A board comprising our very esteemed HODs Dr. Francesca Bocca, Dr Shafiqur Rehman and Dr iftikhar Ahmd Baig evaluated the submissions. After carefully reviewing the positions were announced as under, however this was a very difficult decision to be made as all submissions were very impressive.

1st Position: Ayesha Abdul Majeed

2nd Position: Gull-e Hadiqa

3rd Position: Ahisha Jobe

3rd Position: Halima Abdul-Majeed

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