Higher Certificate in Business Administration (CBA)

> Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

Busniness Administration

This course is comprised of a study of fundamental issues in management when management is viewed from an Islamic perspective. This new perspective will be addressed as an emerging discipline.

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This course covers the economic foundations of Islam, including the contemporary issues regarding finance and banking.

The course will examine the nature and history of money, its role as well as that of the financial system in the economy; The course will cover interest rates and profit rates in the Islamic banking industry; financial institutions, including current innovations in the banking system and the supervision and regulation of banks by the government; selected elements of macroeconomics, including a discussion of international economics and the importance of exchange rates; and monetary policy, including alternative understandings of interest rates, as well as alternative monetary systems.

This course covers ‘The Principles of Economics’ which includes both the Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Clearly, those who understand economic principles (together with the principles of Islamic Economics) will have a distinct advantage in making sense of the economy and successfully participating in it.

Accounting is often referred to as the language of business.  The purpose of accounting is to provide meaningful financial information to individuals and institutions that have an interest in business, whether they are investors, creditors or managers. Intelligent investors seek out financial information on companies to make more informed investment decisions. It is a company’s accounting system that creates and provides the information used by investors. Business managers likewise need information produced through accounting in making the day-to-day operational decisions that improve a company’s performance and profitability. If you hope to become a successful investor or manager or simply want a better understanding of your own financial situation, you will need to understand accounting information to improve your decision-making.

This is an introductory course in finance that describes the fundamental financial principles that govern the ethical behavior of business in the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage. The topics covered encompass study of financial objectives of business enterprise, financial statements analysis, time value of money, risks and returns and capital budgeting. At the end, this course also introduces the principles of Islamic financial system.

This course is comprised of the fundamentals of Islamic finance and Islamic Banking. Economists have been debating the impact of religion on Economics performance for many years. Many have questioned whether Economics can be mixed with religion or whether the drag on economic development in many Muslim countries is attributed to their beliefs. But as we progress in the lecture, one would find out that Islam promotes growth.

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This course is designed to provide fundamental knowledge of accounting principles and practices as applied in Islamic Financial Institutions especially in Islamic Banks according to the standard issued by Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial institutions (AAOIFI). The course also examines and discussed contemporary accounting issues for main Islamic Financial Products. The course also equips the students with the details of process of performance analysis of Islamic banks from a financial statement analysis perspective.

This is an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the basic topics in management. The subject areas that will be covered include: organisational culture, defining external environment, managing global environment, social responsibility and managerial ethics, decision-making, foundations of planning, strategic management, planning tools and techniques, organisational structure and design, communication and IT, human resource management, managing change and innovation, foundations of behaviour, groups & teams, motivating employees, leadership, foundations of control, operations and value chain management, small business, new venture creation and entrepreneurship, communication issues in today’s organisations and managing for quality. 

Marketing is much more than just an isolated business function – it is a philosophy that guides the entire organization.  This course is a broad based approach to the study of core marketing concepts and applications.   In addition to lectures, and class discussions, case studies will be used to apply the marketing concepts studied to real world situations.

The course aims to equip students with the knowledge necessary to make good Marketing decisions and Brand awareness.


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