Master of Science in Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance (MSc IEBF)

> Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions


The module aims to provide students with theoretical and historical understanding of Islamic Banking
and Finance. The main aim of this course is:
● To familiarize student with key concepts of Islamic Finance.
● To analyse the constraints and challenges encountered by Islamic Financial institutions in a
predominantly conventional environment.
● To have a basic overview of the basic financing modes approved by shariah
● To enable the students to understand the difference between conventional and Islamic financial
The module aims to provide students with theoretical and historical understanding of Islamic Banking
and Finance.
The module aims to provide students with theoretical and historical understanding of Islamic Banking
and Finance.
● To equip students with theoretical foundation and operation of financial systems, Islamic as well
conventional, including the current development in the financial market.
● To familiarize and expose students with issues related to contemporary Islamic banking and finance.
● To foster and appreciate Islamic banking and finance as a viable alternative to the interest based
conventional financial system.
The module aims to introduce students to research mindset, processes and tools that can assist in
preparation of research proposals that may eventually lead to successful completion of their research
projects. The objectives of this module are:
● To understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies
● To identify appropriate research topics and select appropriate research problem and parameters
● To undertake a project and conduct research in a more appropriate manner
The module aims to provide students with a theoretical and conceptual understanding of the
fundamentals of research methodology to:
• Understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies
• identify appropriate research topics
• select and define appropriate research problems and parameters
• prepare a project proposal (to undertake a project)
• organize and conduct research (advanced project) in a more appropriate manner
• write research reports, theses and articles


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