Master of Education (MEd)

> Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions


This module focuses on addressing socio-cultural perspectives, gender matters and the importance of language in the teaching and learning process.
The main aim of this research oriented module is to help you participate in global education discourses by exposing you to an array of literature sources in education.
The purpose of this module is to provide students with a broad overview of a number of topics related to teaching, learning and the curriculum within the greater schooling and higher Education context. Students will critically discuss the historical underpinnings and development of the education systems within Africa and globally. The basic tenets of the pedagogy and its implications for teaching will be examined. Students will critically evaluate a number of psychological theories of child development and learning in order to appreciate their roles as educators. Finally, students will critically analyze a number of philosophical views of education as a means to understand how learners construct knowledge in a post-modern era. Purpose This module intends for students to investigate a number of theories of psychology which explain how learners develop and learn. These theories will be linked to the cognitive, constructivist, social constructivist and social cognitive approaches to learning. Students will also discuss inquiry and problem-based learning and the role of collaborative and cooperative learning in a given context. Students will furthermore, critically explore the philosophy of education with the view to forming a wider understanding of how knowledge is created within their respective country. They will examine African philosophy, empiricism, scientific rationalism, phenomenology and the postmodern view of education. They will be introduced to hermeneutics in education, the effect of systems theory on education and the role that critical theory plays in the modern world. Finally, students will be required to critically reflect on the interplay between Islam and Western philosophical perspectives. 
This module aims to develop in students:
• A sound knowledge of the historical, psychological and philosophical principles that underpin education systems.
• Linking curriculum theory to practice.
• The ability to critically reflect on his/her own practice within a variety of theoretical and philosophical perspectives that link to the students context.
This module focuses on the role of e-learning technologies in teaching and learning. The module builds around the development of skills necessary for Industry 4.0. towards Industry 5.0. The purpose of the module is for students to critically analyze the use on digita technologies on teaching and learning. With the move towards the 21st century and the development of technological skills in teachers is essential as it plays a vital role in the teaching process. The primary aim of this research-oriented module is to help you participate in global education discourses in learning technologies by exposing you to literature in education.
● Identify theories that guide the design of the tools, identify important features of the tools, think
about how these features promote teaching and learning,
● Discuss how learning technologies facilitate teaching approaches in teaching
This module examines two popular frameworks Shulman’s PCK and Mishra’s TPACK framework. This research orientated module focuses on comparing various models of PCK and TPACK, and become familiar with the assessment of PCK and TPACK in teaching and learning in the 21st century. The primary aim of this research-oriented module is to critically analyse the pedagogical practices of teachers, using constructs of the PCK and TPACK framework. Students will be required to base their arguments on a field of their choice.
• To demonstrate competence with regards to knowledge base underpinning Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK) and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
• To evaluate the applications of PCK and TPACK for teaching in the 21st century.
The module aims to provide students with a theoretical and conceptual understanding of the
fundamentals of research methodology for the context of research undertaken in the field of education
• Providing basic concepts of research.
• Understanding the different research methodologies, and applying an appropriate research design •
Understanding the processes involved in the data collection and analysis using the different
methodological approaches.
• Understanding and application of the differing data collection tools associated with the respective
methodological approaches.
• Adhering to appropriate ethical practices,
• Ensuring validity, reliability, and trustworthiness of data collection tools.
• Understanding what a theoretical frame is; and its role in a research study.


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