Policy Number

IOU Policy # ST/015/2016


The purpose of this policy is to define the rules and regulations pertaining to internal credit transfer between Russian and English campus at the Islamic Online University.



Date of Approval

October 10, 2016.

Policy Statement

This policy is an extension of IOU Policy # ST/009/2015. Students of the Russian and English campuses of the Islamic Online University are hereby eligible to seek internal credit transfer under this policy, effective from October 10, 2016.

The programs are as follows:

  1. 4-years Bachelor’s degree program

  2. Accredited 2-year Associate Degree program

  3. Accredited 1-year Certificate program

  4. Dual Program

  5. Master’s degree program


The departments are hereby defined as:

  1. Department of Education

  2. Department of Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance

  3. Department of Psychology

  4. Department of Business Administration

  5. Department of Information Technology

  6. Department of Islamic Studies

  7. Department of Arabic Language and Linguistics



Internal credit transfer is allowed only for the following categories:

  1. Same department and field: switching the program (while the student is still enrolled at the IOU)

    1. BAIS English to BAIS Russian

    2. BAIS Russian to BAIS English

    3. BAIS Advance Diploma (Open Education Program) English to BAIS Advance Diploma (Open Education Program) Russian

    4. BAIS Advance Diploma (Open Education Program) Russian to BAIS Advance Diploma (Open Education Program) English

    5. BAIS Russian degree program to another department’s undergraduate program (bachelor’s, associate degree, or certificate program)in English campus

    6. From BAIS Russian degree program to the higher diploma – Bridge Diploma to MAIS program

    7. From BAIS Russian degree program to the Intensive Arabic Program (IAP)

    8. From BAIS Russian Advance Diploma or alternative stream of Audit courses to an alternative stream of audit course in another department

    9. From the Intensive Arabic Program (IAP) of English campusto BAIS Russian degree program

    10. Dual Program of BAIS Russian degree and a program in the English campus


    Fee Structure




    1. Same department & field: switching the program (while still a student at the IOU)

    No ICT or stream change fee

    2. BAIS Russian degree program to another department’s undergraduate program in English Campus:

    There is only flat stream change fee as described below:

    A. low human development country $40 USD

    B. medium human development country $60 USD

    C. high human development country $80 USD

    D. very high human development country $100 USD

    3. From BAIS Russian degree program to the higher diploma – Bridge Diploma to MAIS program in English campus

    A. If it is only stream change, then the fee is $20 USD

    B. Internal Credit Transfer + Stream Change for 1 to 6 courses = student has to pay the difference of 1 full semester fee + 20$ USD stream change fee

    C. Internal Credit Transfer + Stream Change for 7 to 10 courses = student has to pay the difference of 2 semester fees + 20$ USD stream change fee

    D. Internal Credit Transfer + Stream Change for 11 to 16 courses = student has to pay the difference of 3 semester fees + 20$ USD stream change fee

    4. From BAIS Russian degree program to the Intensive Arabic Program (IAP) in English campus

    A. If it is only stream change, then the fee is $20 USD

    B. From BAIS Russian degree program to the Intensive Arabic Program (IAP), the Internal Credit Transfer (ICT) fee per course will be as follows:

    1. low human development country ICT per course = $20 USD
    2. medium human development country ICT per course $27 USD
    3. high human development country ICT per course $34 USD
    4. very high human development country ICT per course $50 USD

    5. From BAIS Russian Advance Diploma or alternative stream of Audit courses to an alternative stream of audit course in another department 

    Standard stream change fee = $20 USD

    6. Intensive Arabic Program of English campus to BAIS Russian degree program

    Standard stream change fee = $20 USD

    7. Dual Program of BAIS Russian degree and a program in the English campus

    ICT for every 6 courses = 1 full semester registration fee as per the program the credits are being transferred to


    Benefits of the Policy

    1. This policy will be helpful for students to smoothly switch between Russian and English Campuses
    2. This will also be very helpful for students to pursue Dual program in Russian and English Campuses