Bachelor of Education Degree with specialization in English (B.Ed. English)

> Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions


The focus of this module is to enable the student teacher to understand the concept and definitions of curriculum, and the advantages and constraints of each type of curriculum. It also helps the student to understand and apply the process of Curriculum Development, and select and apply appropriate strategies for Curriculum Transaction, to evaluate curricula.

The aim of the module is to learn to develop, design and evaluate curriculum.

In this module student teachers will be exposed to the study of child and human development in order to gain a better understanding of the variations and influence of socio-cultural-political realities on development. A critical understanding of theoretical perspectives of development would aid in their application in the teaching and learning processes. Through documented observation of children in their natural environments, the teacher trainee would be able to situate their theoretical knowledge within realistic frames. Through this module trainees would also be able to equip, reflect and critique the normative notions of childhood.                      

The aim of the module is to enable the student teacher to understand and explain the stages and development of early childhood.

The aim of this module is to provide basic principles of psychology that includes meaning, nature and scope of educational psychology, branches and methods of psychology, growth and development, individual differences, different stages of development, motivation, intelligence, theories of learning, memory, forgetting, transfer of learning, factors influencing the development of personality, group dynamics, mal adjustment and defense mechanisms.                   

The module aims include enabling the student to perform various experiments to test attitude, aptitude and motivation, learning and intelligence, and also facilitate the development of personality, guidance and counseling.

This module describes the basic concepts and practices in educational measurement, and helps to develop skills and competencies for the use of testing techniques. It helps to gain an understanding about various educational and mental measurement tools, and also enables the student teacher to interpret test results.

The aim of the module is to afford students an opportunity to gain a deeper and critical understanding of Educational Measurements and Evaluation.

This module aims to provide basic principles of psychology that include meaning, nature and scope of educational psychology, branches and methods of psychology, growth and development, individual differences, different stages of development, motivation, intelligence, theories of learning, memory, forgetting, transfer of learning, factors influencing the development of personality, group dynamics, mal-adjustment and defense mechanisms. The student teacher develops an awareness of the individual differences and intelligence of  students.

The aim of the module is to grant students an understanding of educational technology, and to develop their skills of using technology and innovation in the teaching and learning processes.

This module introduces the concept, need, meaning and approaches of educational technology, programmed learning, classroom interaction, CAI, CAL, multi-sensory approach to education, Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, classification of teaching learning materials, auditory, visual and audio-visual aids.

The aim of the module is to aid students in using technology and innovation in the teaching and learning processes.

This modules provides training skills in explaining the concept, need, meaning and approaches of Educational Technology, programmed learning, classroom interaction, CAI, CAL, multi-sensory approach to education, Edgar Dale’s Cone of experience, classification of teaching learning materials, auditory, visual and audio-visual aids.

A comprehensive overview of the foundations of education has been given in this module. It is an interdisciplinary attempt (incorporating the historical, political, economic, legal, social, philosophical, and curricular foundations) to provide pre-service teachers with a clear understanding of the teaching profession and the issues and controversies confronting education today.

The aim of this module is to enable students to gain insight into the importance of elementary education and its national scope.

This module aims to introduce the concept, forms and aims of education. Major schools of thought, such as Naturalism, Idealism and Pragmatism and their educational significance are introduced to the students in view of providing the philosophical foundations of education. Some of the topics covered in this course are: the concept of sociology of education, agencies of education, education and modernization, education as a means to social change, education and culture, equality of educational opportunities with special emphasis on gender parity, national integration etc. Upon the completion of this module students should be able to address various issues of education such as the role of the teacher, teacher student rapport, the type of discipline to be maintained in the classroom, methodology to be used and curriculum to be adopted. They should understand the relationship between education and society, impact of various agencies on the society and education, need for maintaining gender parity in the society and how an education changes the society towards growth and prosperity.

In this module, various instructional methods and active literacy strategies for the learning and teaching of different subjects,  including mathematics, social studies, science and the arts, are exlored. The module includes an overview of various pedagogical practices of text comprehension in primary and secondary school classrooms.

The aim of this module is to equip student teachers with teaching strategies for effective teaching and learning encounters.

Islamic Studies

The aim of the course is to enable students to improve both  their ability to communicate, as well as their linguistic competence in the chosen language. A balance of receptive (reading, listening) and productive (speaking, writing) skills are developed through communicative classes and selfstudy. Introductory studies to language learning and various transferable skills are also part of the module.

In this module, students will read a selection of short stories and novels, exploring how authors employ different elements of fiction to achieve specific effects and goals. In doing so, students will study the cultural and social backgrounds of these literary works and examine the issues presented therein.

This module aims to develop needed academic literacies and familiarity with English communication skills. Students will be taught relevant academic literacy strategies and English language principles. The module aims to develop strengthened competency in English writing.

Through this module the students will be enabled to achieve and analyze the basic concepts and principles of communication, and apply them in multiple contexts. The aim of the module is to develop the students’ communication skills, focusing on oral and written communication skills. This will be achieved through processes of exploration and discussion of certain topics (cultural, educational, scientific and others).

Through this module student teachers will be enabled to explain the nature and features of the English Language; apply all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading & writing) to teach linguistic skills to their pupils; improvise and use appropriate instructional aids for teaching English; plan and teach lessons in English prose, poetry, grammar and composition; identify and analyze errors and plan remedial instruction in English language. Students will also gain exposure to planning action research for problems related to teaching and learning in English, and use various techniques for evaluating learner achievement in English. The aim of the module is to acquaint students with pedagogy for teaching English in the classroom.



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